Advanced Point-of-Care diagnostic tools
Current Challenges
The accurate and rapid quantification of biomarkers in various bodily fluids is essential for precise diagnosis and health assessment. Traditional sensing methods, typically confined to centralized laboratory settings, are hampered by time-consuming processes, complex procedures, and expensive instrumentation. Addressing these challenges requires the development of new biosensing strategies that offer sensitivity, selectivity, rapidity, and reliability in detection of metabolites.
While many biosensors rely on biological recognition elements such as enzymes, antibodies, and aptamers, these elements come with drawbacks including high costs, limited long-term stability, single-use nature, and difficulties in large-scale reproduction.

Our Technology and Solution
BioChipTech , in collaboration with a research lab at the University of Calgary, successfully developed efficient MIP-based biosensors for the rapid detection of metabolites, proteins, and hormones in body fluids such as plasma, urine, and sweat. Also, we assessed the on-chip detection capability of the MIP biosensor the adaptability of microfluidic biosensors for miniaturized sensing platforms and point-of-care (POC) diagnostics potentially for the detection of bacterial or viral infections. A microfluidic chip, connected to a portable potentiostat, facilitated the on-chip detection of metabolites and protein without additional sample preparation on-site using small volumes. These results endorse the cost-effective, on-chip MIP sensing platform as an effective tool with outstanding sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility, suitable for miniaturized microfluidic applications in metabolite and protein measurement in biofluid samples. Our Point-of-Care (POC) technology is characterized by the following features:
- Detecting Proteins, Metabolite, Homones, and DNA
- Portable (Handheld POC)
- Rapid (less than 5 min)
- Compatible for any biofluid , Blood, urine, Saliva,..
- User Friendly

Our novel POC (Smart POC)

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